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In the vibrant tapestry of American arts, few threads are as uniquely interwoven as the career of Johnalynn Holland. Born in Nashville, Tennessee, Holland embarked on a journey across a spectrum of creative disciplines. She attended The Atlanta College of Art undergraduate program, where she honed her skills with a Bachelor of Fine Arts in Electronic Arts. Holland's pursuit of mastery then led her to the storied halls of Howard University's Graduate Film and Television program. It was there, under the tutelage of the renowned Haile Gerima, that she refined her craft in screenwriting and cinematography, earning the prestigious designation of Screenwriting Fellow in the ABC/Disney New Talent Development Screenwriting Program.

Holland's artistic journey continued beyond the confines of the United States. She was an Artist-in-Residence at the Taller Portabelo Norte Art Colony in Portabelo, Panama, and also a resident at the Rhode Island Writers Colony. In 2023, she was honored as a Baldwin for The Arts Literature Fellow.

After fourteen years of influential work in film and television post-production, Holland made a daring pivot to literature and illustration—a move that has since enriched the literary and visual arts landscape. Her illustrative work, capturing the essence of Mary Church Terrell, was featured in The New York Times bestseller "Finish the Fight," a testament to her ability to convey powerful narratives through art. In 2020, her poignant illustrations of COVID-19 healthcare workers were celebrated as favorites by The Guardian, showcasing her unique capacity to document the human spirit in times of global crisis.

As a playwright, Holland's voice has resonated on esteemed platforms such as The Classical Theater of Harlem’s “Future Classics” series and The Kennedy Center’s “Page to the Stage” program. Through her multifaceted career, Johnalynn Holland has emerged as a beacon of creativity and resilience, illustrating the boundless possibilities that lie at the intersection of art and storytelling. Her journey is a compelling reminder of the transformative power of dedication, versatility, and vision in the arts.

Before starting Holland House Press, she operated the ecommerce site

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